Month: June 2009

30 June 2009

CSA chase me for 3 years and I am NOT the father

Today was the court case. after 3 years of hell from the csa and the woman who accused me of being the…

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29 June 2009

Ex refuses to tell CSA we have paid her

my boyfriend has a one year old son with his ex partner, he began working in april and had been giving his…

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28 June 2009

CSA contacting my employer for DEO

i have paid for my sons (twins) with no default , up until the point of there 16th birthdays , however although…

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Not receiving money from the CSA

My son was 4 last week and I have only ever received approx 6 payments in this time. Yes his dad is…

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27 June 2009

CSE force a DEO one me despite my ex earning more than me

Hi i’m a father of 3 and have just been hit with a CSA paymnet for my oldest child who i have…

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CSA even get my child’s name wrong

I have a hearing in few days. The last one, also for a Liability Order was for two children who aren`t mine!…

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26 June 2009

Not received a penny in 9 years from the CSA

My ex husband despite having a 50/50 split of assets decided he did not want to pay towards the upbringing of his…

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25 June 2009

Persecuted by the CSA for 10 Years

I had been a Police Officer (soft target) for 12 years until I was medically retired, due to depression, in  September 2008,…

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How can we avoid paying the CSA?

My husbands son is 17 and stopped attending college in Feb 09 (that we know about). He stopped payments in Mar 09….

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24 June 2009

CSA Lose my Payments

After five years of arguements, missed and late payments, lies about income, money deducted by my ex for petrol, halving the monthly…

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