Month: December 2013

31 December 2013

Could anyone tell me how much I should be paying?

i have my 3 kids every other weekend friday night saturday night they go home sunday night i have them for dinner…

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30 December 2013

We had a private agreement but now she’s denying it – where do I stand?

had a privte agreement with my ex wife paid her throu my bank every month she has now told csa their was…

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29 December 2013

I’m scared I won’t get to see my kids much anymore

I live in Scotland and my two kids live in northern Ireland. i get the ferry over two get them three times…

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28 December 2013

I’m furious at how long it’s taken and I still don’t have the right money

I have a 2yearold child born 21st September 2009 and started my csa claim on the 3rd of sep which started properly…

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27 December 2013

Why do I have to pay if I’m not the father?

i carnt understand why i have to pay for this child who is not my son as i was tricked in to…

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26 December 2013

It’s just been endless phonecalls to the CSA and my MP for 8 years

what a nightmare is all i can say have been seperated for 8 years and it seems after endless phone calls to…

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25 December 2013

I had an agreement with the mother – will I have to pay for those 13 years through the CSA too?

i have a 13 year old daughter who i have looked after since she was born, nearly every weekend and also some…

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24 December 2013

The CSA should give me compensation

The c/a found my daughters dad but then spent 2 years messing about before refusing to do a dna test. I tried…

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23 December 2013

These amazing fathers are being treated as absent dads

Please can someone help and advise me. Me and my ex partner split when he was 4 months old and as we…

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I had the kids from monday to friday but the CSA say I have to go to her directly for money

hi , i had my kids this week mon-fri , i pay £75 per week through DEO (volentarily set up by myself…

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