Does the CSA have procedures to follow when issuing a DEO?

CSA Answers

3 thoughts on “Does the CSA have procedures to follow when issuing a DEO?

  1. Does anyone have any idea about this? My partner has been issued with one despite paying by private arrangement for over 2 years without fail and suddenly they are insisting on this. What are the procedures so we can ensure they are being followed?

  2. same has happened to me, but the first i heard of it was on my wageslip, so ive lost the 7 days you get to appeal it!

  3. I know this is an old post but had this myself back in 2008 I was paying by standing order and I suddenly had double the amount come off my wage one month and they took the standing order as well. it was a week later I got a letter off them telling me it we going through a DEO. No reason for it either.

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