Month: September 2013

30 September 2013

Will money from a property sale be taken into account by the CSA?

My ex has just made £20k on a property sale. Is this taken into account for maintence? He pays v little and…

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The CSA is a very cruel system indeed

I have separated my my husband who has two of our boys, I have our daughter. He has recently contact the CSA…

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Why don’t they take both incomes from his household into account?

single parent with 2 children, ex husband with 2 children agreed for shared care, has stopped all contact and has claim in…

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Their mistake caused so many arguments but still no apology

apparently i owed my EX £2570!!! i complained and it turns out he ows me £252.00. all the arguments they caused and…

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29 September 2013

We’ve done nothing wrong but the CSA are hounding us for money

We have been paying the csa without fail for my partners 2 children. one whom he has not seen for over 10…

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Why should I pay CSA if my daughter doesn’t live with her mother?

My ex was persuaded by her stupid social worker to claim CSA last year I was shocked because a few years before…

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Should I still be paying child support?

My daughter is 18. When she was 17 she started one of the new government two year apprenticeships but six months after…

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They seem to be more understanding with my ex’s situation than mine

i have been trying to get regular payments from my ex partner through the csa now for about a year. he is…

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28 September 2013

Why am I not getting my money back?

the csa recently informed me I have over paid them over 7grand. 1 pwc was paid 1500 to much and the other…

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Would the CSA be able to get money from him in the U.S?

Myself and my ex-boyfriend had a private arrangement which he agreed to pay… never got the CSA involved. However he has now…

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