Month: August 2015

29 August 2015

CSA just demanded almost 4 grand from me!

I’ve just received an arrears order from csa for nearly £4,000.These arrears were run up due to there inability to process changes…

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28 August 2015

Not received payments for August

I have not received my payment for this month August 2015. every time I ring to find out what is happening I…

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27 August 2015

Why isn’t my husband in prison?

My husband walk out on me and his 2 children 15years ago, he left me in a lot of debt. I found…

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26 August 2015

I get paid from Saudi Arabia – can the CSA touch me?

Hi After years of hassle with the CSA and my ex wife who denied me access to my kids for many years,…

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25 August 2015

Is it worth approaching CSA again?

when I split up from my eldest sons dad 6 yrs ago I had to go on income support(for 3 months) I…

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24 August 2015

How can I prove ex won’t spend CSA on our daughter?

My ex wife has turned very nasty and now wants to claim through the CSA, she is nothing but a money grabber…

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23 August 2015

I’ve not received any CSA and I’m struggling

after a decade of c0mplete stress from ex, still he is allowed to control my life as name still on morgage. no…

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22 August 2015

CSA are the most dishonest organisation around!

I have paid through the CSA for my daughter for around 8 years without even a missed payment. The case was closed…

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21 August 2015

Can child maintenance disclose my confidential details?

My daughter has lived with me the past 7 yrs and when sure turned 18 she decided to re build her relationship…

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20 August 2015

Is it not a crime to withold information from the CSA?

My ex telling the CSA I havent paid for 4 years, I now owe £4500, I have paid this money directly to…

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