Month: January 2009

31 January 2009

CSA can’t even add up when it’s in front of them

This latest story from the CSA is another classic example of incompetance. MrDaz spoke to them about his DEO, where they’ve been…

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29 January 2009

Questioning Paternity and requesting DNA

Hi,  I am in the process of writing a letter to the CSA with reasons why I am requesting a DNA test. …

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22 January 2009

Court case won in Scotland

We the Dead Beat Dads won a court case for a member in a Scottish court where they tried to issue a…

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21 January 2009

CSA are persecuting me

I am a man of limited means but up to recently i had always paid child support I first started paying child…

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1 January 2009

CSA are persecuting me

Some advice  if your wife wants you out of her life then she has the backing of the Government laws and all…

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