Month: May 2018

27 May 2018

The system is flawed as absent father gets away without paying while I lose benefits

I have a question about CSA that I dont seem to have had any answers on so wondered if you can help?…

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18 May 2018

Ex wife turned me in to CMS as she’s jealous that I treat our children

My children are very much a part of my everyday life one living with her boyfriend for the past 12 months who’s…

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17 May 2018

Greedy CSA take extra payments despite private arrangement with ex

So I was told my payments were getting moved to collect and pay I asked why and they said I owed a…

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16 May 2018

Wealthy ex determined to make me bankrupt through CSA

My ex earns four times more than me now £60k after my financial downfall and I earn £19k to live. I’ve paid…

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15 May 2018

CSA won’t reply to me so they can get more money

Well not much really just started.. I can go that they have ignored all my letters especially the complaint letter that I…

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14 May 2018

HMRC confirmed my ex’s lies to CSA

My ex was not being truthful about his income and only declaring £800 a month as he is self employed. So he…

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13 May 2018

Parents who withhold children from the other parent should NOT receive CSA payments

I am a father and I have had my child taken away by his mother and filed for CSA whilst I was…

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11 May 2018

CSA accusing me and my brother of being fathers to a child from an escort

I met a lady from a sex website over 13 years ago. She located my brother on Facebook 9 years later and…

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1 May 2018

My husband has been taken to CSA despite always paying his ex

my Husbands ex who he has a child with has taken him to csa even though he was paying for the child…

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