Month: June 2021

30 June 2021

CMS office is always closed!

Nailed for not making payments without evidence. I supplied proof and also asked for it to to fixed. Put on collect and…

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28 June 2021

CMS hell: the worst organisation!

I have equal shared care of my son since he was 4 now 16 and still battling on with cms. They don’t…

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21 June 2021

CMS not taking pension contributions off gross earnings

My CMS review came round at the end of February 2021 and to my surprise even though my earnings had gone up…

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18 June 2021

CMS taking mother’s side despite evidence!

My partners Son attended college for just 8.5 hours a week and we had written confirmation from his college tutor which we…

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1 June 2021

CSA: a thieving, government-run scam!

What a total fuck up this csa is, as to be expected it is a government run scam, that takes monies from…

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