Month: May 2009

30 May 2009

crazy csa

i got brown envelope today,Gus Wat they say i owe them £970what the hell,i call and as, they said u haven’t paid…

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29 May 2009

Contact denied when PWC feared a drop in payment

So yet again it to battle I must go, spent 2 years fighting the csa regarding arrears, disputes regarding when me and…

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28 May 2009

CSA have put me in debt I can’t pay

I divorced my ex wife a year ago now and I have been paying the CSA large amounts of money. They messed…

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27 May 2009

CSA make up arrears payments

Hi i have been dealiing with the csa for the past eleven years and it has been pure hell.i have been on…

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26 May 2009

CSA (Modern Day Nazi’s) Hell

I have had a private arrangement to pay maintenance with my ex-partner since the birth of my daughter in 2001. I have…

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25 May 2009

CSA threaten to take money from my employer

15/05/09 CSA Complaint I am a father who loves and gives as much as he possibly can towards his children who is…

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24 May 2009

CSA force a DEO on me without notice

On Saturday 16th May. I recieved the dreaded brown envolope, which was opened anyway. I took the letter out and read that…

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23 May 2009

Overpaid the CSA, how do we get money back?

My partner received a letter from the CSA in February 2009 stating that his liability for child maintenance had ceased in Dec…

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22 May 2009

CSA demand arrears I don’t owe!

hi im steve i have 3 kids by 2 diffrent parnters. for years i have paid my csa direct from earnings a…

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Why won’t the CSA listen to me?

My husband and i have just had a letter from csa demanding £3,000.00 not to mention the fact that they have just…

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