Month: March 2018

30 March 2018

CMS upped payments and won’t offer any kind of solution

I have been paying child support for a good number of years at £350 which is hard. I had reall trouble finding…

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23 March 2018

Ex stole child away from me and now wants to bleed me dry

When my son was 8 my ex decided to just steal him!! He dragged me through the courts said I was a…

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9 March 2018

Fathers who try to evade CSA by emigrating should have passports taken off them!

It’s not true REMO and the MEBC can enforce a non-resident parent that lives overseas to pay maintenance. I did it with…

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8 March 2018

CSA hounding me for arrears even though I had no income at all!

I have two children which i have never failed to pay for but in October 2017 i had a brackdown and ran…

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6 March 2018

Can my husband claim back historical CSA payments back due to age?

My husband was 15 when he fathered a child with a 21yr old woman. My husband was hounded by the CSA to…

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1 March 2018

I won’t pay CSA if I can’t be a dad to my son

So yesterday I had my most recent up to date love letter from them blood suckers from up yonder. They say they…

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