Month: July 2012
About to lose home and job due to CSA
My wife and I are about to lose our home and I my job due to a deo from the csa ,…
Trying to get arrears I am owed, now I owe arrears myself?
I have been trying to get arrears from ex partner amounting to £3000. This has gone on for over 18 months now…
50/50 share care, ex drinks her benefits yet I pay CSA
I recently split up with my ex girlfriend who has been diagnosed with severe borderline personality disorder, as soon as I told…
I am on the breadline because of the CSA
I have 2 children being dealt with through the csa. Last October 2011 my wife and I seperated meaning I had to…
What does my child support actually pay for?
I currently pay Child Support direct from my salary per month. I have been asked by my son’s mother to assist with…
After 9 years the CSA demanding almost Seventy Thousand Pounds!
The CSA first contacted my partner approx 4 years ago. He has not seen his child since 1999. Then automatic deductions appeared…
CSA dreamt up 11k of arrears
After paying all the csa have asked on 2 cases for many years, in 2010 the CSA dreamt up 11k of arrears,…
Child Support Agency Board Members
Hi Everyone… I came across the following contacts while on wikipedia and thought that all written complaints should be copied to one…
CSA told ex to refuse my money so they could open a case
When Brendan was born I started paying Sarah maintenance for Brendan and she let me visit, I also gave her cash to…
Why should I pay for children I do not know?
I have probably the usual tale to tell on the CSA and their dealings of my case so I wont go into…