Month: September 2012

30 September 2012

CSA made up what they thought my business was earning

OK, was contacted by csa in 2011 and advised my business was earning 800pw (totally fabricated) and i owed £120pw cs, when…

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Can the CSA hound me after 10 years?

I have just recieved a note for the CSA claiming I have £2,800 arrears for my two daughters due to underpayment. Payment…

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Ex wants to see me on the street

My son decided to go and live with his father. As he was 15 yrs of age I had no say in…

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29 September 2012

CSA takes my money without checking my sons are in education

I have paid my maintence for numerous years. Whithout checks? My sons (age 17 and 19) have not been in constant college….

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Good fathers suffer at the hands of the Child Support Agency

Following my son’s birth, no access was agreed with Mum. To cut a long story short, I therefore spent £25,000 in the…

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Requested statement from the CSA 3 times, but still do not have it

I am writing about my husband’s CSA nightmare. He has been paying child maintenance for his 11 year old daughter through the…

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28 September 2012

Anyone had a refund from the CSA on money they have overpaid?

Hi, has anyone had any luck with getting back a refund from CSA due to them taking wrong amount via a DEO?…

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Why does it take so long for CSA to check if child benefit is still being paid to PWC?

I’m just wondering if anyone else out there has had this problem and could give me any advice on how to get…

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Does CSA1 rules take PWC’s income into account?

I am looking for advice on CSA1 rules. When a pwc moves in with someone else as a couple, should the CSA…

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27 September 2012

No money from CSA Bolton and I am out of work

My son will be 13 in November. For the past three years at least I have called the CSA Bolton and asked…

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