Press Coverage for CSAhell.com

Since CSAhell.com was founded in 2007 we have generated a fair amount of press coverage to help promote our cause. Here is a sample of our website appearing in the press, and in the media. If you’d like to interview someone from CSAhell.com, please contact us here.

BBC Radio York
The new plans by the government to charge both NRPs and PWCs to use the CSA are debated on BBC Radio York’s breakfast show with Adam Tomlinson; CSAhell.com participated.
March 14th 2011

The Vancouver Sun
CSAhell.com’s comments on the DNA kits are reported in Vancouver, Canada.
February 10th 2011

Italian Press
CSAhell.com founder is quoted in the Italian press.
February 10th 2011

Sunday Telegraph
CSAhell.com founder quoted in the Telegraph, and on the website, about the new DNA testing kits available from Boots.
February 6th 2011

Dutch Press
The press in Holland picks up on the DNA story and CSAhell.com’s comments.
February 2nd 2011

Public & Commercial Services Union
The CSA issues a press release about our website and how they are in the process of ‘shutting it down’.
February 2nd 2011

BBC Radio Five Live – Gabby Logan
CSAhell.com’s founder took part in a debate on BBC Radio Five Live with Doctor Hilary, on the Gabby Logan show, about the DNA testing kits.
February 1st 2011

BBC Newsbeat
CSAhell.com’s founder was quoted in an article on the BBC website about DNA testing kits being made available over the counter.
February 1st 2011

The Guardian
Guardian reporter Rupert Myers writes about CSAhell.com and its impact on people dealing with the Child Support Agency.
September 5th 2010

CSAhell.com reported on in North West digital media news website how-do.co.uk
July 29th 2010

Radio City & City Talk
CSAhell.com founder is interviewed on Pete Price’s show on Radio City and City Talk.
July 27th 2010