Month: December 2017

18 December 2017

How much should I be paying my ex?

I am writing as a father, i am 22 and im a student in uni training to be a teacher and my…

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11 December 2017

CSA never paid me a penny but ex told daughter he paid hundreds

I have asked the CSA for a long time regarding my concerns over the lack of amounts that my daughter’s father was…

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10 December 2017

Incompetent CSA take more than they should to leave us in difficulty

My partner has a 14 yr old son from a previous relationship, for the last 7 year he has been paying to…

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8 December 2017

CSA refuse to accept facts so they can continue to steal for as long as possible

So I have been paying £808 per month from my salary for my son , I informed the CSA that he is…

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6 December 2017

CSA are punishing me for their incompetence

Paid my csa by direct debit every month on time until the present organization took over early this year. This is because…

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5 December 2017

I’ve taken CSA to court as they bullied me into paying for a child that isn’t mine for 10 years

Ive been fighting the csa for the past 10 years. Ive always denied being the farther of a child yet csa have…

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4 December 2017

Can ex stop paying just because he doesn’t think he’s the father?

Me and my ex broke up during my pregnancy, he said he was going to stay involved. However now the baby is…

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2 December 2017

CSA went back on agreement and doubled the money they took off me

Following the death of very close family members in quick succession, then being told to leave the marital home shortly after, I…

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1 December 2017

CSA take so much that I have a tenner left to live on

Well my daughter mother wont let me see my daughter but the child maintenace think its ok to take £177 a month…

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