Under what circumstances does a DEO get served?

May 24, 2013

Question to all you good people out there.

How does a DEO get served? Under what circumstances? Does the CSA have to get a DEO put in place only by a court or can they just slap one on you ? I was slapped with a DEO purely because I refused to give the knob at the CSA my bank details or work details…telling him instead that I will contact my ex and make my own cm arrangements…this was deemed as being non compliant ….any help would be very much appreciated.

Chall and Alice…..thank you but I don’t won’t yours help lol ….after all……your replies would not server the CSA’ s interest.


  • Macon says:

    They can slap one on you if they can’t get a hold of you example of this is we phone you 3 times no answer so we put a DOE on me and oslo the one the use the most is we sent a letter out and got no reply even when they send it to the wrong address tough shit !

  • Adrian says:

    And to top it of you get charged a £1 for paying by deo.
    How many people pay by deo. Each one will pay a £1 which goes to the bank ?? Csa ?? Who knows but some idiot is getting rich. Even if they have your bank details they would still attach a deo because its less hassle for the morons at the csa. If you have a pension bump the payments up. The less income you have the less the pricks can take of you

  • Macon says:


    That’s good advice with the pension I did that , I was struggling to live for years with Csa problems but I payed A good bit more into my pension so at least if I live long enough I get a better pension thanks to the Csa and my parasitic ex , the problem now is the new Csa 3 uses net pay so this won’t work any more 🙁

  • Alice says:

    Adrian – the £1 charge a DEO is not paid to the CSA – it is a charge the employer can take from the employee to cover the cost of them administering the DEO.

    Daniel – a DEO does not need to be signed by a Judge, the legislation allows for a DEO to be imposed if the NRP fails to make arrangements to pay their child support if the PWC has asked for the agency to collect … so cases such as Terry’s where his ex has obviously asked for the agency to collect the money and he has refused to set up a Direct Debit the NRP has not complied with the agency’s request and as such a DEO can be issued.

  • gonk says:

    Alice….MY EX DID NOT EVEN CONTACT ME ABOUT PAYMENT ARRANGMENT…THERFORE I COULD HAVE NOT HAD REFUSED TO SET UP A DIRECT DEBIT…Where do you get off on assuming that to be the case ? this is why I need not your useless input as I stated grrrrrrrr

  • gonk says:

    As usual the fucking troll pops up where it needs to….to spout legislation

  • gonk says:

    Alice…I did not fucking fail to make an arrangement with the ex…because the bitch never even contacted me…now what part of this simple science lesson do you want me to cover again very slowly for your sake Alice….. I….WAS…..NOT….CONTACTED…..IN….ANY….WAY….SHAPE…..OR…..FORM…..BY….MY….EX……REGARDING………PAYMENT…….BY……DIRECT……DEBIT….so what this boils down to is she rings the csa with fucking lies and…yes…you all guessed it right…the fucking csa believed her quite quickly im sure…so they could slap a deo in place…..you wankers !!!!!
    well im gonna fight this every fucking week with complaints to you arseholes and my local mp

  • Sally says:

    @ Gonk… What Alice has failed (intentionally I’m sure) to tell you is that Deduction orders allow CSA to take money from bank and building society accounts, either as a regular deduction or as a lump sum. There is no requirement for CSA to apply to court to impose a Deduction Order, although you do have a right of appeal. However

    These orders should be used only when the NRP has demonstrated a failure to pay maintenance by ANY other method…. It doesn’t say by direct debit ONLY…. Alice and all the lazy CSA staff take the simplest route possible to put a DEO in place…

    “NRPs will be given the opportunity to discuss alternative payment methods at any time during the process.” (NACSA website)

    If the CSA were doing their jobs properly they would be asking what method of payment was most suitable to the NRP…. But we all know they provide ‘limited’ information… To their benefit…

  • Sally says:

    Alice on May 24th, 2013 9:22 pm
    Adrian – the £1 charge a DEO is not paid to the CSA – it is a charge the employer can take from the employee to cover the cost of them administering the DEO.
    Daniel – a DEO does not need to be signed by a Judge, the legislation allows for a DEO to be imposed if the NRP fails to make arrangements to pay their child support if the PWC has asked for the agency to collect … so cases such as Terry’s where his ex has obviously asked for the agency to collect the money and he has refused to set up a Direct Debit the NRP has not complied with the agency’s request and as such a DEO can be issued.

    Sally on May 25th, 2013 7:31 am
    @ Gonk… What Alice has failed (intentionally I’m sure) to tell you is that Deduction orders allow CSA to take money from bank and building society accounts, either as a regular deduction or as a lump sum. There is no requirement for CSA to apply to court to impose a Deduction Order, although you do have a right of appeal. However

    These orders should be used only when the NRP has demonstrated a failure to pay maintenance by ANY other method…. It doesn’t say by direct debit ONLY…. Alice and all the lazy CSA staff take the simplest route possible to put a DEO in place…

    “NRPs will be given the opportunity to discuss alternative payment methods at any time during the process.” (NACSA website)

    If the CSA were doing their jobs properly they would be asking what method of payment was most suitable to the NRP…. But we all know they provide ‘limited’ information… To their benefit…

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