Let down by CSA

October 18, 2014

I feel as if i have been let down by the system everything seems to go in favour of the ladies. i work hard for my money my ex partner does not work .

But then she has no need to work when she is receiving csa money as well as half the mortgage and half endowment. and i still have to paid rent as well as live.

The whole justice system is so unfair to lawbiding tax payer.time i pay all the money out as well as my expenses .i may as well be on the dole.


  • Bill says:

    This post is recycled from June 27 2013 where it was entitled as ” Everything goes in favour of the mothers.”

    Why does this site feel the need to dig up old posts and reissue them under new titles?

  • Adrienne Park says:

    Im not so sure, I was a single parent for years. My daughter (now 18) attends a college in the Glasgow area where her dad lives. So – she left school in Dec 2013, she lived with until March this year(2014). My daughter moved in with her dad who paid nothing until she turned 16. He successfully managed to dodge the CSA till then by moving house and quitting jobs to avoid paying for his child. I have a successful career as a civil servant, (I have always worked full time), worked hard to get promotion and so on. It was a long hard struggle bringing up my daughter with no financial help from the dad. Father of the year paid me a grand total of £11.47 a week for a year. A small fraction of the £2768.05 per year I am now getting forced to pay. The CSA were no help to me- their attitude in fact stunk- I feel all my hard work to be the sole provider whilst my daughter was growing up was a waste of time. Disappointed doesn’t cover it!!!!

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