Month: June 2012
Do I pay CSA if I live outside the UK and work for a company based in the Middle East?
Support going up by 3. I split with my ex 7 years ago. since then I have paid support every month. I…
Who do the CSA answer to?
The CSA appear to be completely untouchable and beyond reproach. They take whatever wages they like via a DEO even illegally making…
Do you live in Devon and are fighting the Child Support Agency?
We’ve had an appeal from BBC Radio Devon. They want to hear from people in Devon who have been having trouble with…
I didn’t think the CSA were that bad, until I experienced it for myself
I used to read peoples tales about former partners and the CSA with disbelief, unfortunately i discovered it to be very real…
No DEO because ex’s employers refused the CSA
I really dont know why i bother with the CSA, they are useless. Me and my ex broke up in may 2011…
Assaulted by ex – I do not want his money or to see him
Hello, need a wee help. Me and my son’s father split when my son was 2 days old. He has never had…
How do I get my ex to pay more?
My name is Emilia.I have 4 year old daughter. Her dad is not seeing her at all. He didnt want me to…
Can I buy son clothes instead of paying CSA?
I have been married for 5 years and my wife wants to split as she doesn’t love me. She has just finished…
Can the CSA take most of my sick pay?
Hi i was wanting some help. I got a phone call from the csa today saying i have to pay them some…
Boyfriend fathered child with another woman, does he have to pay CSA?
My douche bag (!) of a boyfriend had an affair with another woman who stopped taking the pill (although he was not…