Assaulted by ex – I do not want his money or to see him
Hello, need a wee help.
Me and my son’s father split when my son was 2 days old.
He has never had regular contact and for the first 6 month he chose when and if he seen him. I stopped contact due to violence against me infront of my son.
We have been going through the courts for 2 years now and it is soon coming to a close, but I do not know what to expect.
For the first year I agreed to a contact centre due to the violence, but contact at the centre was stopped as I was assaulted by him again.
He has only ever payed CSA money when we are arranging to go to court, although I do not want his money.
I have been informed he has been attencing alcoholics annonymous and anger management classes, although I am not convinced. Anybody know what to expect in our next court appearence?