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Arrears dating back 3yrs plus

I have been paying the CSA for a number of years and recently received a DEO claiming additional arrears to be paid.

I contacted them to which their reply was it was for my daughter who is now 21+ years old and I owed the state cause the calculation was incorrect years ago. This payment with them ended a few years ago but they did not bring to my attention at the time that I owed them and have not heard from them since. Instead I do have another DEO which is for another child and have been paying regular but again they say I owe for that one too.

I have now decided to go direct with the parent but the CSA still say I owe over £8k for arrears owed to the state but had the cheek to say pay with your credit card or pay £140+ a week more than before. They are not prepared to consider payments, if it is owed, as they say it has to be paid within 2 years and as I explained to them that if I were made aware of this years ago the arrears would not have accumulated to such an extent. Also I have made regular payments from wages for years, however they have never sent me letters regarding arrears but they explained that it did not pick it up because of the old system they were using.

Arrears of maintenance have been accumulated as a result of delays by the Child Support Agency (CSA) in completing a periodical review of my maintenance liability for a number years despite payments being deducted regularly. CSA are not willing to negotiate or defer arrears which had accrued as a result of their delay in undertaking the periodical review. I am finding it hard to sleep at the moment and not eating well and if I cannot resolve this I think it’s better not being here.
What can be done?

6 thoughts on “Arrears dating back 3yrs plus

  1. Theres quite a few things you can do here but if you have gone over to the darkside then i am sure you will not be interested in gaining anymore advice, if however you haven’t looked anywhere take a look at deadbeatdads

  2. A warning to all here if your daughter is now 21+ they should have closed the case years ago.
    My daughter will be 18 next month and as far as i am concerned my ex wifes hand out ends at the same time. its not enough to assume these scum will leave you alone when the case ends so although I have told them several times i will be checking and ensuring that on the last day of the claim I have a letter stating it is closed once and for all and that all the personal details they hold on me have been removed and destroyed.

  3. The OP case appears to be now based on the repayment of arrears and not regular maintenance.

    Child maintenance is payable all the time that Child Benefit is being paid and the child is:

    aged under 16; or
    under 19 and in full-time non-advanced education.

    When a child leaves full time education in the summer, Child Benefit generally continues until the first week of September.

  4. Monday 18th May 2009

    My son is 18 and left school in 2007 and is now working. 3 weeks ago I received a schedule of payments for the next 12 months (Why?). 2 weeks ago I received a schedule stating that no payments were to be made as the case was closed.
    Friday 15th May I have a demand for arrears.
    I have not had any reminders or correspondence from them until now regarding any ‘arrears’. They claim to have proof that I owe this money yet I have made all of the payments that they have asked for.
    I cannot understand how they can get away with dropping these bombshells after 2 years and then demanding instant payment via credit cards.

  5. Hi Ms Fran Harris,

    If you have not done so already, apply for your Data Protection File and complete account breakdown, your welcome to use the template letter in the downloads section at – you need to assertain, why arrears have accrued and if they are correct.


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