Secretary of State keeping half of my payments

April 14, 2010

To cut a long story short, after paying the CSA for 12 years i’ve finally received back all the money i ever paid them,plus interest.

However i was sent a scanned copy of a letter yesterday from my MP that the CSA sent him that gave some interesting reading.

Its taken since January 2010 when the DNA tests came back to say i wasnt the father for me to get my money back.

In this scanned letter it says ‘The refund will be made in 2 payments only because the payments Mr Sanford made had to be split between the parent with care and the Secretary of State.’

No wonder the CSA never wanted me to pay the mother personally.


  • Brokenfather says:

    I dont know why you are surprise, eveybody knows that the main purpose of the CSA is to collect money from the NRP to repay the exchequer for the benefits paid to the PWC …..

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