CSA Complaints

Father Waliu talks about the CSA and his son

This is a real cry from the heart as father Waliu talks about how he’s paying over £400 per month for his son, his ex and her new husband. He’s working all the hours he can just to provide another man with some spending money, and he doesn’t even get to see his son.

Waliu asks the question why must we pay for children we’re not permitted to have access to?

It’s not the government or the law courts that say Waliu can’t see his child, it’s the child’s mother. She doesn’t need a reason as they never do. They have the power to say no, you cannot see your child. The father doesn’t have the power to fight it, or the right to say why should I pay if I’m not allowed access to my son?


This is part one of the video. We’ll post part 2 tomorrow.

10 thoughts on “Father Waliu talks about the CSA and his son

  1. Thank you for the posting the vids mate. Really appreciate it. however, my real name is Waliu and I would appreciate if you could use my real name for the vids.

    Thanks again mate.

    I will register soon and put some story up soon.

  2. [..YouTube..] first…thats a 1st 4 me…long vid…pearls of wisdom…not too bad…d&m…a deep and meaningful…keep it short and sweet and you’ll have more feedback from those who have patience…keep it up dude!

  3. [..YouTube..] 1join Father 4 Justice…systems like CSA can not be stopped, but only slowed down. follow Gandi’s non-violence protest. i’d suggest to all dads is to give-up all livelihood, stop working, own nothing, build-up in arrears (which is a way to fund injustice for dads), DEMAND to be placed in prison, let the kids sue CSA, and let women work and pay for everything. do not leave prison until your justified demands are met.

  4. [..YouTube..] 1
    join Father 4 Justice…systems like CSA can not be stopped, but only slowed down. follow Gandi’s non-violence protest. i’d suggest to all dads is to give-up all livelihood, stop working, own nothing, build-up in arrears (which is a way to fund injustice for dads), DEMAND to be placed in prison, let the kids sue CSA, and let women work and pay for everything. do not leave prison until your justified demands are met.

  5. [..YouTube..] they dont do proper easter eggs here booo !!! i think ur csa vids are ace it gives people who are in the same boat a place to listen and understand there are people in the same boat out there!!!

  6. [..YouTube..] 2
    as an alternative, let these systems work the men and women to death, as modern day slaves in concentration camps, and remove all chances of having a life ever again. this would increase the suicide and family homicide rates – writing off the CSA bill. Else, as slaves if they become disabled, then write-off their CSA bill and let the state take care of them, increasing the national debt. AN EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!!!

  7. [..YouTube..] 2as an alternative, let these systems work the men and women to death, as modern day slaves in concentration camps, and remove all chances of having a life ever again. this would increase the suicide and family homicide rates – writing off the CSA bill. Else, as slaves if they become disabled, then write-off their CSA bill and let the state take care of them, increasing the national debt. AN EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!!!

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