CSA only go after the fathers
After splitting from my wife of five years I agreed to pay her direct in person £50.00 per week but as time grew she obviously thought she was entitled to more so she went to the csa .
They contacted me and I willingly filled in there forms and evaluations , only to discover that my now ex wife had told them that I had not paid her anything . I on the other hand had paid her in postal orders so had the evidence to prove I had paid her. I was told by the csa to pay £25.00 per week so that is what I payed her week in week out till one day my oldest son turned up wanting to move in with me so I carried on paying. Then my middle son turned up wanting to move in so he did and i still then carried on paying csa. Then i got a letter from csa saying i have not been assesed for a while could i fill in a re evaluation form so i did and the result was that even though i had my oldest son and middle son living with me, which i never got a penny for apart from fammily allowence, i was in arrears of several thousand pounds so i quickly retalliated by claiming for my middle son as my oldest was at this time 16 and working.
She gave up her job in a shop and they obviously lied about her new partners earnings as i got £36 .00 per month . And i was paying £177.00 per month for my youngest son who lived with them. Also i was still in arrears of several thousand pounds still. I managed to get my ex to take direct payment I gave her £500 pounds which she aggreeed was settlement of the arrears in full and i payed her direct to a bank and so did she to me then my middle son started fulltime education and the payed till the end of his first year then stopped i carried on paying for my youngest till he left school last september and he started work .
I have since had a letter from csa saying that was it . Then out of the blue a phone call one day from csa asking me how i am going to settle the arrears and i said no i made an aggreement with my ex and they said she couldn’t make such agreement I also said that I was not paying anything till they sent me a complete explanation as to why i owed arrears as i always payed by D/D and never missed a payment.
I have twice requested such information and yet never recieved any, seems to me they only persue the female side – I am still waiting csa.
3 thoughts on “CSA only go after the fathers”
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Im sorry to hear of your probs with them. I know PWC abuse the system too. Please sign the petitions on facebook groups concerning the csa to see if we have stop the mess and get justice for everyone.
Hi nigel,
Did your case commence on/after OR before 03/03/03?
Was your ex unemployed when the arrears occurred? If so, the agency are pursuing for the Secretary of State. Which would explain why, your ex would be in no position to make such an agreement regarding an arrears settlement.
The agency do not make retrospective changes. Any change of circumstances need to be notified at the time they happen.
A case will close due to no ‘qualifying children’. However, arrears will still be chased.
Have you applied for your Data Protection File and a complete account breakdown? There’s a template letter in the download section at http://www.afairercsaforall.co.uk – the agency now charge £10 for this info.
Please do not make the mistake of leaving your case in this limbo, you need to be pro active and deal with it.
New powers passed in Dec 09, enable the agency to go directly to banks and issue liability orders etc, without the need to use a court.
Hi yes it was before 2003 and my ex was not employed but was supported by her new partner/husband