CSA Complaints

You’re the man, so you have no say

I have been paying child maintenance for my husband for his children from a previous relationship. The youngest child is now over 18 so we sent a letter saying we would no longer pay the maintenance due to her age, we have had no response and now the CSA are trying to take more money from my account. I am going to be charged for refusal of payment but i am not prepared to pay any more money to them.

My husband hasnt seen his kids for several years due to the mad ex partner. if I said all the problems we have had with the ex and constant dealings with the CSA due to her phoning up every time she didnt get what she wanted we would be here all day. surfice to say the CSA have contributed to the dreadful relationship my husband has had with his children, as with some of the other people here the attitude was generally ‘tough’ your the man so have no say, she’s the woman so we take her word for it. as someone who has come into this, I feel it unfair to have my wages taken into account when the ex’s new partner wasnt taken into account and he earned an awful lot more than I did. Yet I have to pay……

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