CSA Help

Took ex to court to get access to son

I dont know where to start. I split with my ex partner in 2005 and i was paying her cash every week when i went to collect my son as didnt know then to pay through the bank.

In 2008 she stopped me from seeing my son she moved house changed phone numbers as i was in a new relationship, i was also in and out of jobs when i noticed i was paying 5.00 per week. I knew it was for my son.

Years later in 2010 i managed to speak to her mum and try sort somthing out. I had to take her to court and i won the case, so i started to see my son start of 2011 for a few hours everyweek. Then it moved to staying over night. Again was paying 140.00 a month direct through the bank. I then get all these letters from csa saying im in arrears, 5000 pound from 2008.

I told them everything that i had been paying 140 a month. Dont care, plus i was out of work they know cause they deducted the money of 5.00 per week then i have just got a letter in DOE ORDER can they do this????

They are taken 255.28 off my wages thats leaves me 608.00 a month to pay rent500 council tax90 gas/elec 60 food80 travel to work 60 every month but my employer doesnt know anything as not got a letter he uses a payroll company i was always willing to pay for my son the last conversation with the csa was setting up a direct debit i now feel i would be better off giving my job up i need advice please cause now im not even going to able to see my son who lives 40miles away

Sorry if this doesnt make any sense not slept head all over the place just dont know what to do.

Any help or advice would be great thanks william.

One thought on “Took ex to court to get access to son

  1. William,

    It would be helpful if you could confirm when you received your first ever contact from the agency and did you comply with their request for information when they requested it?

    During the period you were paying direct through the bank, what did you have the payment description as?

    Cash payments if the CSA are involved are never a good idea, as the parent with care (PWC) has to agree that they have received them. Sadly, it appears quite common for PWC to deny receiving such. That said, if the cash payments were made prior to any CSA involvement, they would not be taken into consideration anyway.

    You really need to establish if the arrears are correct. You may be able to do this if you write to the agency (keep copies of all correspondence and post signed for) and request a complete account breakdown, which will should amounts due, received and dates.

    chall ~ afairercsaforall

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