CSA Complaints

The mother can live a life of wealth but I’m about to be homeless

The CSA have made my live hell since day one i now have no money to pay my rent so i am going to lose my home in about 2 months time. my x has remarried and has banned the kids from speaking to me the csa do not care what happens to dads. i have explainend to csa that i suffa from a condition called sleep apnea and more stress has mad it worse but all they said was we dont care where is the seems the mother can live a life of wealth but i have to be homeless well done csa

8 thoughts on “The mother can live a life of wealth but I’m about to be homeless

  1. Personally if the PWC re-marries i think they should be re-assessed, and their NEW family income should be taken into consideration. It goes back to the same thing..their is NO fairness to the CSA system. Melinda, the man his paying…he is not allowed to see his kids, but she will gladly take his money. Ms Bas Your responce was in poor taste.

    Personally fella, quit your job (if you have one) and live of the state. It seems it’s the NEW way of living these. Or go part-time, and get a top up off the welfare state. The CSA will never give a f*** about you, or any othe NRP for that matter. Good luck : )

  2. Jasson m

    Well said…mate….bas…is clueless. I take back my foul language to you…but hell…you know how to rattle a catch with some of the bollocks you come out with Melinda Bas

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