Still paying for a son who has left college and doesn’t live with his mother
I had been paying the csa because my son went in further education.
Unknown to me he had left college on 2nd april 2010. I had payed april and mays installments before i found this out.
I stopped the direct debit then phoned the CSA (dudley) to state the case that i should only have payed while he was in education as it states in their booklet. They told me i have to keep paying because my ex is still claiming child benefits for him.
I stated that he should be claiming income support now and that she should not be entitled to claim. They still are adamant i should pay csa and now say i owe 800 pounds in arrears for june/july/august/september.
My case has now closed the csa say because he no longer lives with his mother, yet i told them that 6 months ago but they will not listen. He is now 19 so i dont pay anyway. Anybody got ideas on this coz i’m sure the csa should owe me?
21 thoughts on “Still paying for a son who has left college and doesn’t live with his mother”
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The CSA use Child Benefit entitlement as the guide to when Child Maintenance is payable (although there is nothing in the legislation that supports this).
You can find the rules governing Child Benefit here:
It is possible that your son’s mum failed to declare that he was not in approved training or education and that the CSA are simply going on the Child Benefit records.
Two words of advice. 1. Make sure you put everything in writing to the CSA. 2. Take care of poor advice – CM Options informed me that I still owed if my son had not made a JSA claim; this is absolutely NOT the case.
Family allowance (showing my age there!)/child benefit is payable until the September after the child leaves education. Therefore maintentance is still payable – as far as i know…Dont start on me – trying to be helpful!!
As long as your ex is claiming child benefit, even if fraudently, then u have to pay maintenance. It happened to us until we threatened to tell child benefit office and my husbands ex suddenly came clean. It sounds like this was happening for a time for u so therefore the arrears have built up. They wont record anything u tell them about the pwc, such as your son was living elsewhere, they will only acknowledge this if the pwc tells them. If u can supply proof that ur son was living elsewhere, u could hold out and present this if/when they take u to court. Good luck.
Su is right. CB will be payable until the end of September, so maintenance is still payable for 5 months after your son finished college.
Have to add would think that as the CSA are part of the DWP they would know who was getting CB and who wasn't..and who was doing it fraudulently!
That's because she finished in December, Michelle. If she had finished before September it would have run longer.Crazy, I know…but September is the cut-off month.
It's an abhorrent mess!!!!
Lorraine, apparently the CSA don't know when I'm on JSA if it means I will keep paying £57 a week but will know I am on JSA if it means I'll pay £5 per week rather NIL!I've just put in an appeal on just that matter as if they can do the latter then I want my money back off these thieves…
My hubbys ex child got kicked out of college last Dec 2009, our CSA to him still got paid right up to Oct..But we kicked off big time. And the ex child has to pay back from Dec 2009 to Oct 2010. So I would look into that….
Lee, I will never understand the JSA thing..but then I am a layperson..although it appears the CSA are as well 😉
Academic year starts 1st september so CB can be paid up to this date once the child has left full time education, so CM pymnts should be made until this date unfortunately. My exes daughter left school at 18 to take a gap year and work part time. Her mother is fraudulently claiming child benefit (she'll be 19 in a few months) and getting CM (my ex pays 4 his daughter but not his boys- go figure!?!) I printed off page from daughters face book page bragging how she now had a well paid full time job now and sent it to child benefit office and csa. Hope her bloody mother gets done for benefit fraud and by the csa- because of greedy bitches like her all PWC get tarred with the same brush!
Lorraine, I intend to find out one way or another in my appeal. I asked them to that if the assessment in question is upheld to 1) Clarify that is correct in law and 2) give me the basis for the decision….either they can go back into the past on the basis that they knew I was on JSA or they can't! They sure as hell ain't having it both ways!!!I bet I am not going to get a straight response!!!
Well done Lee.I won't take up that bet, thanks 😉
Snap! I’m getting shafted because of incompetent staff errors. They are hopeless and shut be thrown on the dole queue and this shambles shut down!
lies lies and more lies. The high tech expensive useless CSA computer could not handle my case, so now I’m a clerical case. The very same computer dials my home number and I don’t live there, So who has the computer phoned or was it that the CSA just didn’t phone. Excuse after excuse, threat after threat, if there was an award for the most incompetent establishment, The CSA would have earned it. I sooo want a job there gaurenteed prospects, and promotion for screwing up.
……and our great elected politicians who are elected under the representation of the people act dont give tw f—s about us. They are in on the scam! Committee for this, expenses for that!
My advice. Never vote for a politician again. All we are doing is funding their ‘little club’! Never do anything public spirited or that would help society. Politicians are not helping us!
We are being treated like scum. Withdraw your common decency. and blame it on politicians and civil servants!
I would like to give people a new years present and that is the HQ address of CSA
the telephone no is 02078538004.
if you should write to then always send it “to be signed for” ok
happy new year
This child benefit advice is rubbish. The child benefit side of things isn’t taken into consideration anymore as the government don’t see it as a taxable benefit therefore PWC gets the csa regardless of whether they are on benefits or not. Therefore the CSA can’t feed you “their still on benefits” line.
You will have to pay until the child is out of education. Unfortunately this being the start of the new school year.
Can I just ask, how did you not know that you son was in college or not living with his mother? Do you have contact with him?
Im still really confused?? On this website i read that when your child leaves full time education which my daughter did this summer i am no longer required to pay child support from the following september of that year as they are able to go out and work!!. We are in October now. I have phone the CSA and said that my daughters mother is still getting Child Benefit so i still have to pay? Is this right? Surely if my daughter finished school in June she should go out to work and not sit about the house doing nothing while i pay for everything. Im happy to support her still by helping her out but id rather not do it through the CSA as the money just goes to her mother anyway!! Any help would be greatly appreciated as Im really considering Stopping the payments. Thankyou
bethbell, you need to get your daughter to claim jobseekers allowance so your ex cannot claim the child benefit for her, my son left college but didn’t claim for anything he was entitled to because his mum was better off that way child benefit,csa payments off me ect ect, i got screwed they got the money. untill he was 20. surprisingly he now has a job
i found out he left college because my friends son also attended college and told his dad my son had left,my friend passed that on to me and i haven’t had a fathers day card or birthday card for the last 2 years. thank you csa