CSA Complaints

Not been paid in over a year and my court case has been dropped for a third time!

I have been in touch with the csa yet again as ive had no payments for over a year,my daughter will be 21 this year,so the money im owed is arrears,17 years worth!!any money I have had in the past has been from not paid voluntarily.

my ex keeps job hopping or getting paid casual,just last month the csa were preparing the case for court for a third time to go for a committal.

have just found out today this will not happen because yet again my ex is on the dole it could be months yet if I see a penny.

he currently owes me over 7000 at my wits end.

One thought on “Not been paid in over a year and my court case has been dropped for a third time!

  1. If that the case than bad lock sorry
    He only have to paid until 16 yrs. if unemployed not a penny.

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