My ex is taking me to court for open access
I have a 3 month old baby with my ex partner, we only split less than a week ago and he says he’s put a request into his solicitor for open access.
I have NEVER said he cannot see his child,but he wants to do it the hard way. I can’t see why a court would grant him open access when she is perfectly happy and i don’t believe he should just be able to walk into my home and take our daughter whenever he likes. I’m not sure what to do now, because i want to stop him getting open access, as i would never trust him to have her without me being there at all times, the reason being he has been to prison in the past, as well as having a restraining order against him from his last girlfriend who he beat up.
He cannot be trusted on his own, so how do i prove this to the courts when he takes me? please somebody give me some advice, i am not a vindictive person and would never use my child as a weapon, this is for her own protection, please, advise??????
5 thoughts on “My ex is taking me to court for open access”
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It amazes me, if you knew this about him.. why have a child with him?
Beggars belief!
One more thing:
“i want to stop him getting open access, as i would never trust him to have her without me being there at all times”
“i am not a vindictive person and would never use my child as a weapon”
You just were and just did. Welcome to the start of being the typical woman that will eventually force the Father out of the childs like
has he ever hurt or been otherwise nasty to “your” child? – no, then please dont treat him as such. unless guilty he is innocent. Agreed his background inst perfect, but if his like most fathers, he would NEVER hurt his goes against human nature.
Why is it women sem to have the overriding power to control what men, do or not do with their children? you are both 100% responsible, don’t shut him out.
I can understand his “using the courts”, because as men, this is our only way of defending ourselves…and lets face it, the courts and police are run by feminazis, so you should be ok.
1 him going to court for access is a wise option helps against the csa scums
and stop you from using the child as a weapon
2 once they court order in place you will not have a say in the matter what he does (i put good money that he does not tell you what you can and cant do with your child
3, if you knew his history why jump on his dick and get up the duff ,
4 how comes when there is a spilt up ,the women (not all ) claim the abuse card
Answer to question ‘4’.
Women claim the ‘abuse card’ when they split as more often than not abuse takes place. We don’t know that when we ‘jump on someones dick’ as you so tastefully put it, that the person on the end of the dick is going to be abusive. Perhaps we could start asking for some honesty from the people with ‘dicks’ so they could tell us up front that they will become abusive and this would avoid the mix up!
I have also made a similar error and jumped on a ‘dick’ and suprisingly he didn’t advise me of his abusive nature prior to the event.