CSA News

Maybe this will help someone to get these leeches off their backs

I have heard from a friend who is a magistrate that this week in Stratford east london that the CSA admitted that they had been taking monies illegally and have done so in a number of cases. This they admitted in court and it was noted. Hope this helps someone to get these leaches of thier backs

9 thoughts on “Maybe this will help someone to get these leeches off their backs

  1. would really need the case ref numbers to quote for this to be any use as the chances of them admitting this again is very slim 🙁

  2. I have been fighting the CSA since 2007 all my children have been in full time employment since 2005, parent with care still getting child benefits for a non QC they know that the PWC has been receiving child benefits that she should not be but want me to pay them back the monies. I would like to be able to use this article to help me to stop them. so case ref number would be helpful please.


  3. Hi , its not only women its men that use the CSA as a weapon in divorce, its high time that it was realised that both parents who want to share their childs life and refuse in divorce cases to do so in order they have huge financial gain should be stoped from claimimg benfits, not only are they placing a huge burden on tax payers as in my case my x husband was getting a staggering eight thousand in claims before he went to the CSA that he can now do till my son is 20!!!- he contacted the CSA to collect money from my wages a single woman and my solicitor said he refused all any any co operation, thanks to a major loophole he can now carry on doing this, my son is on any course no matter what-he told me he hates it but his father will get nothing if he dosent go and he advised him to turn down a job because he cant get his benefits if he works! the last college refused to have my son back but he just found another and his previous year record not even passed to see if he was worth a place,meant nothing< he was sweeping leaves but it was deemed educational, this loophole helps the goverment employment stats look good but its costing the tax payers millions , i have calculated that my former husband will earn seventy thousand in benefits by the time he can be stopped and CSA just help these people carry on doing it , my son gets twenty pounds a week. people must get together and stop this system its failing and people know how to abuse it, this was set up to deal with "ABSENT PARENTS" not for children who have both parents who are willing to share responsibility, this system encourages one individual to profit in my case by more than he did working and when he has pocketed all he can my son will be on the dole at 20 with a string of nothing courses that read, late , lazy, not interested to then find employment with that as a cv. but the law says thats okay i am powerless just pay for the abuse in the name of mainernance,

  4. I know what it is!!! When you got a paperless direct debit set up, the CSA are required by law to read out the DD Guarantee (or at least offer to read it to you). When a payment is changed, the CSA are again obliged by law to re-read the DD guarantee before putting a new schedule in place. Not doing makes the DD unlawful! You can inform your bank that you were never offered the DD guarantee, and demand all payments be returned! You then owe this money and should really make a card payment for the arrears to avoid any enforcement but, crucially, if this happens enough the banks will withdraw the right to use DD’s from the CSA indefinitely, crippling them! Woo!!!

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