I’ve missed out on payments because they didn’t listen
My ex is self employed builder you know the ones who work cash in hand and don’t pay for their kids ! I had complained as I know he pays his credit card more then he states he earns and they do nothing , I tried last year in june to get them to check his end of tax as I had complained to the bloke that gives him work is he did tax free id go to the tax office and he was paying him more through the bank. after all this time they went to him asked what he earned in 2012/20113 helpful as uasul he said ask the tax office my csa was fiest yeat 1.69 and the next year 10,00 it didn’t even pay school dinner !lol then this year it was 15.00 now as they checked it 32,00 ! now they want to pay me from this jan
I feel its unfair as he has had that for the full year so it should be back dated till last april they said you didn’t tell us but I did they just didn’t listen . if my ex earned that amount for the year that’s what he should pay how do I have a hope in hell !!id like a reply mr camron?
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Amanda Johnson liked this on Facebook.
Get a job!
Fathers should contribute towards their kids agreed and it’s the ones like your ex that piss me off because the CSA WILL NOT BOTHER CHASING HIM,. he’s too much hard work when they can milk the mugs like me and thousands of other NRP’s on the paye system.
Now I got that clear…I will say this….you sound like a typical money grabber that believes the ex should provide you with a living. NO , he should contribute and pay his fair share. Maybe that’s why he avoids the CSA and you like the plague because he has wind of what a vile one sided and corrupt agency they are. You might have done you’re self a favour by going to him direct and talking about what’s fair etc.
In the mean time I suggest you do that and keep the nasty,useless CSA out of the pic. It closes down soon to re emerge as the child maintenance service AKA CS3 where parents will be encouraged to make their own arrangements or face a charge for using the service, and lastly go out and get a job and stop expecting your ex to support you.