CSA Advice

Illegal activity of the CSA

I have a story going back ten years and to be honest have come full circle.

I won my appeal of the 1st tiers decision as it was illegal and prejudicial.

I won my appeal at the upper tier as they overturned the 1st tiers and then for some bizarre reason implemented an IMA from the wrong dates.

I am waiting for an appeals court hearing as i will not ever accept the word or legal “expertise” of the fossils appointed in the tribunals service they are simply the frustrated CSA acting illegally at all times, they took my bank statements from a family case with no permission stole my sons personal information and sent it to my ex resulting in me taking an injunction out against her for harassing a two year old child at an address I did not even live.

I have now got a letter from another half-whit stating she has none of my records christ the file is a foot thick now!

I am not even responding to them i just want to know what court action i can take myself

  1. I want an injunction to protect my data and that of my children, they have form for abusing the laws so much so I have had 250 pounds off them once for DPA breaches.
  2. I want to sue for defamation.

Is this possible to do on your own or not if not can I have a solicitors name who is a specialist in this fild please?

One thought on “Illegal activity of the CSA

  1. First must say well done for sticking to it and proving a point, sounds v.similar to me!

    Finding a Solicitor who will take them on, but obviously need to get legal aid,

    If you email me I will let you know of a few solicitors (also need to know where you are based) who will do this.


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