Ex moved over two hundred miles away, taking my son

February 19, 2012

Well the story begins when the ex decides to move to Wales – 238 miles away from where I live. No discussion, no nothing just upped and moved. When I go to see my son and bring him home to stay for a week it costs me around £120 in petrol several £ for the rest breaks and of couse I maintain a safe and warm place for him to stay with me with food and heating etc.

God belss the CSA they allow me a £3 a week variation which if my maths is correct is £156 – isnt that nice fo them.

In addition to this I pay £55 a week for the expenses of my son BUT when he comes to stay with me for a week I still have to pay his mother £55 for the same week – how does that work?

Now if I had moved to Wales I could understand it would be my problem having to pay the fuel bill but as it wasn’t mw who moved how come I get the fuel bill. I don’t mind paying half but the CSA just arent interested not one bit.

The best bit is if I miss a visit my variation is stopped and I have to pay the full £58 a week but it saves me hundreds.

So what do I do – go under or stop seeing my son?

I just cant afford to visit him.

To add insult to injury if I get a pay rise then as I pay 15% of my net salary all of a sudden it costs that much more to raise my son – go figure.

In addition she get child benefit of £13.40 per week which she still gets when he stays with me???

AND she has another son who’s father did a runner but she don;t chase him down does she AND she says if I stop seeing him then I won’t have to pay – what does she take me for – HE IS MY SON. Who in their right mind would give up their child?

The CSA is the biggest waste of space ever and if anybody ever wanted to get together to fight them then you can count me in 100%

Does your head in!


  • jay. says:

    Visit your mp, £3.00 a week variation is disgusting, not your fault she moved. Csa and some ex partners make nrps absent…..doesnt help children at all.

  • chall says:


    You do not state how many times a year you visit your son OR how many nights a year he stay with you?

    The £3 a week reduction will be either based on the shared care you provide OR your contact costs.

    chall ~ afairercsaforall

  • Andrew says:

    I have a contact order that says I can collect him 7 times for 5 days (cleverly done Mr Judge as this is well below the 52 days or whatever it is) and I can visit him 6 times.

    On average my fuel costs 1 way are £34 multiply that by 34 trips in total, plus meals for me and for my son etc and you get well over £1500 and they allow me 10% of that.

    The best laugh is when he comes to stay for me for those days I still have to pay her – how does that work?

    AND even better my phone bill has gone from £15 to almost £50 this month because I foolishly called them back.

    Then I arranged them to call me on a Monday anytime and they called twice on the Sunday – havn’t heard from them since.

    I’ll record the next phone call and post it here.

  • chall says:


    Your reduction will be based on contact costs as you do not qualify for the shared care criteria.
    Costs can include: Travel tickets, Fuel, Taxi fares if criteria is met, Car hire if the cost of the journey would be less than using public transport, Cost of reasonable accommodation where appropriate may include the cost of breakfast as the cost can not separately identified, Minor incidental costs ie; toll’s, bridges, parking fee’s.
    And DO NOT cover; Food and sundries.

    The CSA will determine if your claim for the fuel costs is reasonable and will compare the amount claimed with an average figure.

    Once a total amount for contact costs has been established for a period, ie, 6months (26 wks) or a year (52 wks), the total amount is divided by the amount of weeks in the used period ie, 26 wks or, 52 wks to give the weekly contact cost.
    There is a £15 weekly threshold, once that has been deducted the remainder is the amount used in a variation for contact costs. The weekly variation amount is then deducted from the weekly amount you are liable to pay for child maintenance and based on 15% of your income.

    Re look at your post above and the amount of contact journeys you make/claim for with the CSA ~ “7 times for 5 days” (you collect child from PWC, you take child to your house, you return child to PWC, you return home) 4 x 7 = 28 + “I can visit him 6 times” (you travel to child, you return home) 2 x 6 = 12. Total 40 trips, not 34.

    chall ~ afairercsaforall

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