CSA Complaints

Even with proof of payments, CSA still screwed over my partner!

My partner became a self employed taxi driver and started paying his ex cash fourtnightly for his 2 daughters. This was written down in a communication book which was signed by both my partner and his ex. Unbeknown to my partner, his ex had gone to csa saying she wasn’t receiving any money. Csa contacted my partner telling him he had to pay. He explained to them that he was but as his ex told them he wasn’t they took her word. They asked him for his accounts for past year. Again he explained to them that he’d only just started working so he didn’t have a years worth. So csa plucked an amount out of the air and said he had to pay it. He earnt no where near what they said and refused to pay it and asked them to take into account what he had already paid. We asked his ex for copies of the communication book which she sent, conveniently leaving some pages out, but me, not trusting her, took photos of the pages she had numbered. Csa ignored this and said they were taking him to court. The next we knew we had bailifs turn up.

This was 3 years ago. My partner has since had a brain tumor and mental health issues which ment that he was unable to take any further action on this and has been paying the debt company £5 a week ever since.

So even with proof he had paid his ex, he still got screwed over by csa.

One thought on “Even with proof of payments, CSA still screwed over my partner!

  1. Please that any application made is effective on the date the PWC or NRP applied. The calculations cannot be retrospective in any way.

    Any calculation made should reflective of actual income and if not the calculation must be challenged with a month of the decision letter. If the CSA refuses to review the case, you can take the matter to the Tribunal.

    Need any advice? Email David at [email protected]

    CSA Specialist

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