CSA News Website Updates taking part in radio show about the CSA

Tomorrow evening, Tuesday July 27th, you’ll be able to hear a radio show in the North West of England on both Radio City and City Talk that discusses the problems of the Child Support Agency, and how many parents with care are not getting the money that is owed to them. Darren Jamieson, from, will be speaking on the radio show about the website, why it was created and how it is offering advice and help to both parents with care (PWC) and non resident parents (PWC).

You can listen to the radio show on either Radio City or City Talk, between the hours of 10pm and 2am. Radio City is broadcast on 96.7FM, and City Talk is available on 105.9FM, and on DAB.

You can, if you prefer, listen to either of the shows online at, and at

The show to look out for is called ‘Late Night City with Pete Price’, and anyone who is having difficulties with the Child Support Agency is welcome to phone in to the show and share their problems on air.

We hope to see you there!

4 thoughts on “ taking part in radio show about the CSA

  1. Hi, can you give me a tel no to phone in please as I will be at home by 10pm. Thanks

  2. Hi Karen

    Not sure of the number, but they’ll announce it on the show itself tonight. They want to hear from parents with care especially, so I’m sure your participation would be greatly appreciated.

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