CSA turns friendly break-up sour with their demands

October 13, 2011

My ex-partner and i split up from each other back in May of this year, it wasn’t a nasty break up, it was a decision based on the fact that we fizzled out.

Now after being separated for three months i get a phone call from the csa saying that the case has been re-opened against me. We had been together for two and a half years nearly three. I have not stopped wanting to see our child, the most i get is an hour with her a week, because of various reasons on the exes behalf. I offered to pay for my child each week, we agreed a figure and i was ready to swap bank details. I am still waiting on these as we speak now, but yet she had forgotten to mention this to the CSA and now after many arguments they are going to take pout the payments straight from my wages.

They haven’t even asked if i can even afford the payments. I live on my own now, i have bills going out each week, i’m also at university studying a degree. But they still insist on taking out the money, REGARDLESS of whether or not i can afford to travel to work or eat. I seriously think this is mishandled. Surely they must take into consideration how much spare income i have after all my bills have been paid out, and also the fact that when i have my child that i pay for her travel and also pay out for dinner for her in a restaurant because i dont have the time with her to take her home for dinner. This has been a very frustrating time for me, im upset that my childs mother hasn’t allowed me any time with my daughter. In fact on numerous occasions she has stopped me from taking my child down to see her family because of my work rota!!

Can some please help me, or tell me a way in which i can fight this decision. I am very close to quitting my job over this!!


  • Miles says:

    I’m so sorry mate, They don’t care – your just scum to them and a statistics to prove their own existance. I’m sure karen Bedfiord will be jumping for joy. Men and Woman are indeed equal, just Women are more equal than Men.

  • Karl garrett says:

    Same here..they don’t care..they would prefer to see you homeless. Best you make yourself unemployed. It’s the only way out…whilst the pwc lords it up.

    Remember…your a bloke..you don’t have any rights anymore.

    I’m in exactly the same situation…I,d be better of unemployed.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news….

  • John says:

    See your M.P. and write to Cameron, Clegg and Duncan Smith!

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