CSA Advice

CSA is a complete joke

I have been tryng to claim maintenance since the CSA was first formed. My daughter was 7yrs old. My ex is self employefd and failed to pay any money. I feel I was put to one side, as i was working full time, and not claiming off of the state. I called the CSA at least 2-3 times a month, and was always fobbed off.

I was told my case had been passed to the collection department, where bailiffs could be sent out to his address. I worked for the police, and knew that they had no warrant, so unless he invited them into his home, and passed over items to clear the debt voluntarily, they had no right to remove anything. I was so angry at the way I was treated, I even sent a letter to Tony Blair. A couple of weeks later, the Director of complaints from the CSA called me, and said I have been ordered to sort this shit out…. I was so happy that someone was finally taking notice of me.

At the highest point, he owed me in excess of £6,000. My daughter is now 24. I have 2 grand children, and 2 months ago I received a giro for £125. I received the same the following month, and then the 3rd month i received £1. I called them, and it appears that the debt is down to under £600, but where are the missing payments!!! I was told that the £1 was part payment and the rest (i presume £124) is to be released in Dec 2010.

How does this work, and how many other payments are they holding back, over how many years???

13 thoughts on “CSA is a complete joke

  1. its mad isnt it? my ex only started payin last july 09 n the csa didnt pass the money on to me untill i'd spent a small fortune on phone calls got into debt n incurred late payment fees . . i eventually got the money in march this yr . a little bit too late! took them 7 yrs to calculate n sort out . . good job it doesnt take us that long to do our jobs isnt it? nrp's seem to think once a child attains a certain age the debt they owe for the childrens upkeep should be written off . . wish i could aply that to the debts i incurred due to raisin my children .hope you get your cash.

  2. 1 thing there is csa wont go after ppl that are hard to get, there go after honest working ppl

  3. in the same boat as u, Csa are with holding payments, its took me 15 years to get this far !!!

  4. I guess, in your case, your child is 24 and you're a grandmother. You have obviously been a great mum and managed to bring up your child without maintenance (as I did) so any money you receive now, although will give you personal satisfaction, isn't going to be used as it was first intended to bring up a child. Life is short – why not just let it go? Resentment can ruin your life – just enjoy your lovely grandchildren and put it behind you.

  5. The told me that some amount of child support was due to be transferred to my account this Friday and I checked my bank account Friday, Saturday and today but not even a penny was paid in by CSA. I now know for sure they hold onto people's child support so they can gain interest on it and so that children could suffer. CSA = Child Suffering Agency

  6. if the debt is not registered over a period of time its uncollectable until said NRP returns back to PAYE status from Self employed

  7. This is why the CSA/CMEC must be closed down. They are not interested in you! All they are interested in is collecting money that they will keep for themselves.Get your story written down, full history, with copies of letters you've written, and go see your MP.

  8. Go S/E… not PAYE!!!!!!! let the children have Prvision by NRP's direct funding.. not via CSA (Reproduction Tax Collection Agency) & PWC!!!!!

  9. What we need is for every mother and every child that has not received the money they are due from the CSA to go down their local County Court and issue a summons for payment. Then maybe, but unlikely, they might get up and do something. Any money taken from the father MUST be passed to the mother and/or the children IMMEDIATELY. Not 30 days, 60 days, 90 days later. Or, should I say never, which is what they actually do most of the time.

  10. Your best bet is to telephone the CSA office which is handling your case and ask for a case breakdown to be sent to you. This will show the itemised amounts which he was supposed to pay, and any amounts which they have received from him.

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