CMS holding my money and blaming my ex’s employer!
When my case was set up in 2018 all was good, I was informed my payments would be paid monthly on the 19th. Since day one this never happened, I was paid weekly, a text message would arrive to me on a Sunday from CMS, informing me a payment has been received, then on Wednesday the payment was in my account.
Then in September 2020 this all went very wrong, payments & texts stopped weekly & payments either arrived two weeks apart, then in November I had to wait 6 weeks, then December four weeks for a payment.
I used the message service from my online account with CMS, which I must stress will only hold 600 letters! Hard when you are trying to get your complaint across.
Each reply was “Your payments are paid monthly & until we are in the next month after 2 weeks from missed payments we cannot investigate”.
In these messages to them I told them on more than one occasion I have never been paid monthly, even though the first letter from set up did say this.
Then in December 2020 I managed to speak to an advisor who told me the pandemic was causing problems & that the employer wasn’t sending payments on time.
I told the advisor that my Ex husband hadn’t ever been furloughed & why can no one see my point that I have never ever before all this went wrong had payments monthly.
He basically couldn’t answer instead he told me they work a month behind, I asked him if he could see any sign of a payment in the pipe line, he replied No.
But the next day I received a payment from CMS for three weeks money.
This payment by the way is £40.27 a week.
We are now in February and it’s all still up in the air, I had two payments in January 2021 & now it’s 6th February still no sign of payment.
I contacted my EX husband he told me he has a deduction of earnings every week (forgot to mention his pay is weekly always has been).
He spoke to his employer this week who showed him proof that they send payment EVERY MONDAY to CMS.
So I believe CMS have lied and are holding onto payments, and are blaming the employer.
I’ve over the weekend sent another online message telling them about what the employer has told my EX & that I’m dissatisfied with the responses they have sent in the past to me.
They seem to have no interest in complaints & use Covid or employers as excuses.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
Thanks for reading,
2 thoughts on “CMS holding my money and blaming my ex’s employer!”
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This seems to be a regular occurrence, there are many complaints about this.
This is a piss take
They will do anything to run the payments via their systens