CSA Complaints

Cannot get CSA to reclaim money from husband’s ex wife

Re: Mr Andrew Blake

My husband and i have been trying for many years to receive child maintenance payment from his ex wife to no avail. Arrangement were made for her to make payments but it was never paid – the last we heard we were advised that there was a joint custardy arrangement in place. i explained that there was not and was told someone would get back to me – no one ever has.

2 years ago my husband was forced to allow the sale of his family home due to not being able to afford 2 mortgages. he received nothing from the sales as the proceeds went to his ex wife and his mother as per a court order. however, since receiving this money, she has still not made any maintenance payments and i do not feel that the CSA is really doing anything to force her to make payments and i do not understand why.

Please i would appreciate someone contacting me – Tyreece has been with us since he was removed from the family home when he was 6 years old, he is now 14 years old. why does it feel like the agency only pursue men for payments.

I will wait until next week to see if i get a reply from you, if i do not i will find out how to take the matter further – hopefully there is an ombudsman that can deal with the matter. i await your reply

Sandra Weise-Blake

One thought on “Cannot get CSA to reclaim money from husband’s ex wife

  1. Sandra Weise-Blake – this is not the CSA website so you will not get a reply on yur husband’s case from them by posting here. Your husband (or you if you are appointed as his representative by him in writing to the CSA) need to contact the CSA directly to discuss your case.

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