CSA Complaints

CSA lying to my face!

So until October 2020 I lived away from my son I still saw him whenever I could, weekends, school holidays etc. We had an agreement in place that I’d pay £125pm which I know wasn’t a lot and that’s why I asked more than once if she wanted more to which she declined.

After the 2nd lockdown I moved back to my home town to be closer to my son and since then I have had 50/50 care of him. School uniform has always been split 50/50 and the day to day care is also split 50/50 so when I mentioned about possibly stopping the monthly payments she immediately opened a claim with the CSA.

I’ve had several phone calls with them stating the arrangements of care of my son and each time they have agreed that I shouldn’t have to pay anything. Then at the end of March I received 3 letters the first dated the 26th stating I was to pay £45pw then 31st I received 2 more one saying I was required to pay £54pw and the second letter was a DEO saying they have asked my employer to deduct £350 a month, which doesn’t even add up.

I feel like I’m being lied to my face when speaking to these people and discriminated against for being the father.

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