Maintenance payment whilst in receipt of War Disablement Pension

October 1, 2011

I left the Royal Navy in 2005, after 23 years service.

During this time, I suffered injuries to my legs which has allowed me to qualify to the above pension due to service life.

I have read a leaflet, that specified that if I was in receipt of a War Disablement Pension, I would only have to pay my x wife a “Flat rate”, of £5 per week.

After contacting the CSA by phone, I did ask what this decision was in accordance with and was told that if my x wife had a problem, she could contact the CSA herself and that they would reiterate this detail.

As I do not want to get my x wife wound up, can you please inform me of what the decision that was discussed is detailed in accordance with?

I presently pay my x wife an agreed amount between us and obviously do not want to pay her an incorrect amount, unless the amount stated is correct?

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


  • Miles says:

    This makes no sense. Who do you think reads this?

  • Andrew Easthope says:

    If I am in receipt of a War Disablement pension, is it true that I only pay my x wife £5 per week maintenance, flat rate for one child aged 16?

    My daughter lives with my x wife

  • Miles says:

    This is a public forum for airing grievances and (hopefully) providing advice. is where you need to be.

  • steve fletcher says:

    This basically depends on which system was used when your claim was started. My case was started almost 18 years ago under the old rules and as such war disablement pension is counted as full income !! However if you are assessed under the new rules ie: 2009 onwards war disablement pension is capped at flat rate of £5 per week. This leaves two disabled ex servicemen with same income and injuries paying vastly different amounts simply due to the date of assessment !

  • Colin Hutton says:

    Yes you will pay the flat rate of £5 per week until such time as your ex wife asks for a variation to be carried out, in which case the CSA will take any other income you have into consideration. This happened to me just now leaving me in financial ruin leaving me with just £25 a week to live on, not having enough money to see my daughter and no money for basic essentials.
    How can the CSA justify doing this? Making me just another stastistic as I will not have to become unemployed and be a little bit better off although not by much.
    No wonder fathers lose the will to live.

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