I think I’m paying more than I should be – what can I do?
I am paying csa money but the amount is more than what they should be paid it is taken straight out of my wages. I have reported a change in my incomeas I have moved in with my pregnant partner and our daughter, with the money csa are taken im findin it hard to get to work and now they say that I haven’t been paying enough and wont up the my payments but if they do that I cant get to work and I wont be able to support my family, what can I do/
4 thoughts on “I think I’m paying more than I should be – what can I do?”
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Go to your mp mines fighting for me and if you go on the csa website there is a complaints form fill it out and dont give up.
They will grab wat they can then grab some more thrn tell u that u have arrears then up the payment again and leave u and ur family with less money than u pay csa. Tell ur employer to stop the deduction. Ur employer can not legally deduct money unless its tax insurence pension or you have signed to say they can deduct monry or its s court order. A deo is not a court order u never nor did the csa take it to court. The crsfty unlawful csa write to ur employer ssying under child support law you must deduct xxxxx from paypacket or u will be fined 1000. Then ur employer thinks they have to do it. Ur employer has the right to refuse saying under the data protection we can not give out an employees details without thier consent. And ur emploer has to get proof you are the right person from thr csa then see you. You cud hsve a case agsinst ur employer for disclosing ur details to s third party and for unlawful deduction of earnings. Ur employer may argue thst the csa are a government dept but its the csa that hsve conned ur employer into this. You must be calm and explain this to ur employer and ask them to help you. Good luck
Thats worth knowing as csa slapped a 40 % deduction on my wages without my consent
The CSA act over and above the law time and again! Makes me so angry!