CSA Mistakes

I owe thousands because of their mistake – what can I do?

Hi, I have been paying case for two children since birth, this has been under the old rules and complicated system. Now my son is 18 and in full time education all of a sudden they have reassessed me.

They tell me this is because I have asked them in 2008, which I did not. Reassessment is a disaster I’m now paying double what I was paying for my daughter and owe them thousands for their mistake of reassessing me years later. Can they do this ? Is there a time limit on arrears ? I’m shocked and disgusted please please help,

3 thoughts on “I owe thousands because of their mistake – what can I do?

  1. Have you got all the letters from the start? when they wrote telling you to pay ££ etc.
    Firstly ask, no..demand a full account breakdown from the beginning of your case. State you are contesting the arrears and will not pay the increased amount until there has been a full breakdown sent to you, and you have time to appeal. Change your payments to what you were assessed on before they ‘reassessed’ you and tell them you are doing that. Write all this in a letter and send it recorded signed for addressed to the complaints dept.
    If, as they have told you… you did ask for a reassessment in 2008 (which you say you didn’t so they could be making it up, they do contradict themselves and say one thing on one day and another thing another day!!) you would have been informed in writing, so ask them for a copy of such letter/payment schedule. They send nothing recorded and signed for so they have no proof you ever received any letters anyway, so when you get the full breakdown check the amounts with the letters/payment schedules you received at the time.
    Good luck and fight them!! Don’t agree anything until they have provided conclusive proof and evidence it was your fault! Cos I am pretty sure it’s their c#ck up and as you’re a compliant NRP you’ll be seen as easy target.

  2. Go to see your M.P. and take your paperwork with you. Do NOT speak to the CSA on the phone, get all contact in writing as evidence. If they try to phone you make a complaint of harassment to the police. As the CSA staff have no lawful authority to hound you.

    As you begin to disprove CSA lies and deceit, make a point of telling your M.P. that you have felt threatened and criminalised by unlawful CSA actions.

    Good luck.

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