Month: October 2011
CSA behave like robots on the phone
My 3 children are supposed to receive £5 per week maintenance from their self-employed father. Payments stopped 4 months ago. When I…
CSA Fraud
My partner left me and my daughter back in April when she was (just about) 4 months old. He toook everything and…
CSA want £9k for a child my partner has never seen!
Where to start…. my partner has been asked to pay £9k arrears for a 6 yr old child he has never set…
Child Support Agency is staffed by angry, bitter women
The answer is very simple once you accept the fact that men have no rights as fathers in America. The entire Child…
Struggling to support my children with no CSA support
I left my husband in 2000 and moved back to london. The child support agency down south were in contact with my…
Mothers pay the Child Support Agency too
I split from my husband over 3 years ago and for a time the children lived with me. I never asked for…
CSA called me a slapper
My daughter was born in 1999, her father has paid excatly £77.08 in her 12 years on this planet….. fast forward to…
The Child Support Agency doesn’t account for my debts in their calculations
When the CSA first contacted me they told me debts I had to settle for the family could not be taken into…
CSA constantly harrasses me for more money
I have two children from previous relationship and currently have two with my current partner. The two from the previous, i dont…
International collection of CSA money
I am a 48 year old single mum, who’s son was born in Scotland. His father is scottish and during the relationship…