Why am I being criticised?

August 25, 2013

Why are u criticising me when u cleary dont no me i ask a question i dont drink or smoke n i fuckin work!!! Wts the problem with small bollocked men these days they have fuck all better to by the looks of it ur odvs on here for a reason u freeks hope this hurts ur eyes to read


  • On says:

    I take it u are female and a parent with care?? U r being critized because the men (and some women) who troll this website have not got the first clue if what it takes to raise a child and the importance of a financial budget to help feed/clothe/provide FTC for a THEIR children. I’m astounded that fathers think they should not have to pay because they have their own bills or a new family. The csa are only involved cos absent parents don’t think that they r responsible anymore. Keep fighting and make sure u get what ur child deserves

  • sarah Briers says:

    Theres a lot of us who do know I had nothing from my ex and wouldn’t expect anything from the lazy waste of space and I managed just fine the I married a lovely buy who took us on he himself was used by a women who in her words in court used him as a sperm donor. Who has sat on her arse for years while we both have to work to pay csa for arrears because they couldn’t calculate his payments for years meanwhile all our kids go without, so don’t assume we don’t know what its like,

  • John says:

    The common denominator is the CSA. The CSA are the problem, interfering in parents private lives, and matters that have f–k all to do with them!

  • Sally says:

    @ On….. Your ignorance should astound me but it doesn’t because I have read a few of your comments on this website and have come to the conclusion that you are blinded by your own situation….

    Male and female are HUMAN BEINGS… We ALL need to live and that takes money… Both Are equal… PWCs are subsidised…. NRPs are not… When you PWCs start to pay for the bills and your children WITHOUT all the handouts from the government then you can complain….

  • Lisa says:

    Buy a dictionary, learn English, grow up and realise the whole world doesn’t owe you, pathetic women like you shouldn’t be allowed to have kids with a mouth like yours, poor kids,

  • karen says:

    I would support your argument if you didnt have to get down to others levels that are on here with the swearing and abuse.
    I suggest if can reword what you said join the facebook group child support agencies failings for advice and support.

  • KMcQ80 says:

    I asume from the tone and grammar of your post you work for the CSA.

  • brett says:

    Are you a regular on the Jeremy Kyle show ?

  • Bella says:

    @ Karen – what argument would you support?! Do translate for me as I can’t see an argument in that rant? So I’m going to assume you are just supporting the sentiment that this site is full of ‘small bollocked men’. Which makes you as ignorant as this idiot. Troll.

  • brett says:

    The only argument that Karen Bedford supports is screwing the male NRP for every penny he has got and making him and his new family homeless.

  • On says:

    @sally…… And what situation is that then? O u think I’m a single parent on benefits scrounging money off an absent parent?? Not biased or judgemental are you?! And just because one parent is absent from the household, irregardless of why they re not there any more, they are still financially responsible to help feed/clothe that child. I’m sorry, I do not share your views of encouraging child poverty and encouraging absent parents to abandon their responsibilities

  • Sally says:

    @ on … If the shoe fits? Both parents should pay but that doesn’t happen because the PWC is subsidised… NRPs are not… I don’t know what language I need to use to make that point!!!! Both parents need a roof over their head, food and to pay bills…. The government and the NRPs pay or the children.. NOT the PWC…

    The system is unfair and although it was set up over 20 years ago to make absent fathers pay…. It has NEVER done that!!! That is why there are so many complaints… Those absent fathers are still absent and not paying for their kids…. It’s the decent fathers who already pay that are being victimised!!

  • On says:

    @sally…….. The shoe doesn’t fit. U shouldn’t judge everyone by ur standards. And what about if the Nrp is the mother? Does she still have to pay maintenance? It’s not the child’s fault that the Nrp is no longer living in the house hold. What if the pwc doesn’t “scrounge” from the benefit system? But if nrps paid and didn’t swerve their responsibilities, surely there would be no need for the csa?

  • John says:

    A lot of the squabbling on here is caused by the differences in personal situations, and the interference of the CSA in private matters.

    The CSA themselves add to the problem by giving misleading advice and treating every situation differently, instead of being consistent.

    It’s grade one office staff interfering in situations that require professional, qualified advice from lawyers, in order to give a level of consistency to all cases, where everyone knows where they stand, and the answers remain the same in all situations.

    As it stands the secrecy, hypocrisy and inconsistency from the CSA, is causing all of the problems.

  • Sally says:

    @ on… Read, read and re -read my posts…. You are quite clearly missing my point…



    Although I have said it numerous times son this very post, I’ll say it again in hope that it sinks in to your thick skull…. PWCs are subsidised… NRPs are not… RE-READ MY COMMENTS FROM THE BEGINNING!!

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