Where do the CSA get its staff from?

August 4, 2015

This is sure to make all the CSA fans smile. Despite being told several years ago I would only deal with them by post, they rang me yesterday. Didn’t answer it as I was busy. Listened to the voice mail to a male who I can only describe as the biggest drip I’ve ever heard. Anyway, to cut a long voice mail short A, halfway through the message he loses the ability to speak mid sentence for 12 seconds (yes I counted) and B,the phone number he leaves for me to contact them is invalid. It us 1 digit too long. Glad to see my hard earned tax money is being well spent!!

My daughter is 18 in a few days and will be going to uni. I expect it’s to inform me personally that I no longer have to pay ha ha ha ha. Fictitious arrears are no doubt on the horizon!!!!!

