Does CSA take our overseas earnings into account?

January 23, 2012

We are currently paying for 2 children through the CSA as the non resident parent with no access to the children. We also have two children of our own. We will be moving abroad to Australia this year and will be renting out our house. We will be receiving no other income in the UK apart from the profit from this rental and will complete self assessment tax returns to prove this. Will the CSA take into account our earnings in Australia or just the earnings in the UK?

Many thanks


  • chall says:


    Under the 2003 child maintenance scheme it is not possible for earnings on which UK tax has not been paid to be taken into account within the maintenance calculation. This is as such earnings do not align with the statutory definition of net weekly earnings upon which the calculation is based. In these circumstances the CSA will only be able to put in place a nil-maintenance calculation in relation to the income earned abroad.
    The CSA would continue to have jurisdiction over any additional income earned and taxed in Great Britain and any arrears that were built up while the non-resident parent was earning in Great Britain would continue to be enforceable.

    The Government apparently intend to introduce regulations to amend these rules and allow for income on which UK tax has not been paid to be taken into account.

    chall ~ afairercsaforall

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